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Owner Permissions Settings

Tony D. shared this question 6 years ago

Hi Guys,

I've tried to go in and grant access to all options available in the worker settings on my own account but have warning that I need someone with higher permission to do so? Why as the Owner and account holder can I not change these settings? Also, I'm trying to add new "workers" and grant them permissions and am flagged that I can't grant them higher than mine.

Please open up my account to allow to adjust my permissions on my account.



Comments (2)


Darrell Landers is the owner and admin over this account, but you do have significant authority over your location and access; but there some permission that if you adjusted them would affect other funflicks users. I have increased the Rank on your account worker account to 10 as this may have impaired your ability to change other workers. I will notify Darrell to give your profile a look to see if there are any other permissions that need granted to you.


Great Thank you. That was the primary issue I was having in trying to change other workers settings.

(Actually this is Tony not Cody - just setup this new account and still logged in as him in my reply)


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