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API needs

Bill G. shared this question 8 years ago

For the Leads API, would it be possible in the json to return:

  • workerID (an ID or semicolon delimited list of IDs) - see new Workers API request below
  • rentalID (an ID or semicolon delimited list of IDs)
  • accessoriesID (an ID or semicolon delimited list of IDs) - see new Accessories API request below

and to accept parameters for:

  • workerID - to filter to a particular worker
  • eventdateStartRange & eventdateEndRange- to filter to a date range of events - start is key, and then could be controlled with Limit

New Workers API - to be able to get to key worker info, using parameters such as workerID

For Customers API - be able to pass in parameters such as CustomerID (if that is same as output from leads>contactID) to be able to retrieve contact info, etc.

New Accessories API - to be able to get data similar to Rentals API for accessories.

Comments (4)


A list of Accessories is returned when you look up a main rental item (see options in the response). You can then look up the details of each of these by calling rental details with the option id.

Lead details returns the list of rental ids in an array called selectedrides. You can also see the array called isoption and optionparent to discover which are options and which items their attached to.

Customer details are available here.

Worker shifts and worker details will have to be added to the API.

Filtering a list of leads is currently only available via pre-saved filters when on the leads page which you can reference (see here). This is probably insufficient for your needs though so I'll make a request for this as well.


Accessories - awesome - I will try and do a deeper dive before hitting you up in the future

Lead > selectedrides is always blank for me and I do not see a tag "isoption" or "optionparent" in the return - am attaching a sample...

Customer Details - again, my bad for not diving deeper

I will look at predefining filters to see if I can achieve what I want in the interim.



Nevermind, I found the values and arrays in the lead details. Sorry!!

Reading is obviously not my strong suit


FYI - Our latest release added the ability to retrieve worker details and shifts on a lead.

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