Surveys and Testimonials - Reviews

Acquiring Reviews

The last question of the customer survey by default asks the customer to write a review of your company. These reviews are collected here, and you can choose which reviews you want to show by marking them active and saving. You can also add reviews here that you got from other sources such as email.  

Displaying Reviews

When you have your website built by us this review page will automatically be built for you and will be added to your menu. Otherwise, you can go to the General Preferences settings page and scroll to the reviews section to find code that you can use to show your reviews on your website. In the code there are some parameters you can change to alter the way it selects and displays reviews.  

  • number_of_reviews - this changes how many reviews will be displayed at once
  • show_average_rating - using a 1 for this will show your average star rating, while a 0 will hide it
  • show_stars - this number can be 1-5 and will only show reviews where you got that number of stars or greater
  • show_date - using a 1 for this will show the review date, while a 0 will hide it
  • show_reviewer_name - using a 1 for this will show the reviewer name, while a 0 will hide it

Google, Facebook, and Other Reviews

The General Preferences settings page reviews section will allow you to collect reviews on at other places. Refer to that page for documentation.  

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